Friday, October 31, 2008

Moderne: Umnutzung

«Between 1940 and 1945 more than thirteen hundred human beings were killed within the confines of a building in Dresden’s comfortable southern suburbs (known as the Südvorstadt). The building, the Justizgebäude, housed the central courts and central remand prison for the whole of Saxony. At the time it was built, in 1907, it was considered and advanced, model institution—with the offices of the clerks and prosecutors, the courtrooms, even the cells where the accused were held awaiting trial, seen as spacious, light and airy. The facilities, even down to a prison library and the visiting room, which separated prisoners from visitors by a wide table rather than a set of bars, were absolutely modern.

Despite its potentially solemn, even grim purpose, the Justice Building, which vaguely resembled the tastefully fortified residence of a middling-ranked princely family, was reckoned by a contemporary critic to be ‘not whole foreign to a sense of benevolent humanity’.»

—Taylor, F. (2005), Dresden, Bloomsbury Paperbacks, p. 182

Dieser Beitrag ist auf Englisch, doch einiges an der Zeitmauer gibt es auch in der hervorragenden Kultur- und Verwaltungssprache Deutsch zu lesen.

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