Friday, August 21, 2009

Counterfeits, Counteracts, Counterfacts

“Mir ward alles Spiel”
Friedrich Nietzsche

In this picture: Dr Orridge, Dr Patachon

Dr Orridge — “At that time, we were discussing to attack Roosevelt’s lot with a thunderous sea strike to get Phil [Spector] out of his shameful situation. Coincidentally Dr Patachon had just installed a steam-fueled acetate recording facility in the old shed at the Ministergärten on Wihelmstrasse, and it was really about time to get some uplifting children’s crusade tunes down.”

Mr Beetroot, Dr Orridges assistant — “Was it not Dr Patachon who suggested using vessels that can travel under water for that enterprise, too?”

Dr Orridge — “Yes, my dear. It was my secretary of R & D Dr Sybille Jâssnen, though, who brought the then famous reichsdeutsche Feinware MATHEMATISCHES LABOR into the equation. We finally had to abandon the plan as too many of our proud nation’s sons kept kissing the skies over at the Somme. I also got a bit fed-up with it all and moved to Holland in the end, chopping wood, most of the times wearing a cardigan old Patachon had left me as a sign of his devotion.”

Mr Beetroot — “…but always this longing for the Sachsenwald, the pack that then was put to rest near the Ruinenberg at Sanssouci, the aunt in Travemünde, who had that stiff linnen, always smelling a little like sour milk, bringing a shawl, for new adventures, out into the hairy greenweed! — and the holy eel-oath you and Patachon gave? ‘Wo wird einst des Wandermüden / Letzte Ruhestätte sein? / Unter Palmen in dem Süden? / Unter Linden an dem Rhein?’”

Many cheers to Mr Beetroot

Dieser Beitrag ist auf Englisch, doch einiges an der Zeitmauer gibt es auch in der hervorragenden Kultur- und Verwaltungssprache Deutsch zu lesen.

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